Monday, June 8, 2015

#RibLife Survival Kit 101: Nicole's Top 10 Steps to Pursuing YOUR #RibLife Journey

Hey ya'll!

First, I wanted to thank everyone who has been extremely supportive in this movement and in this work. God is just amazing for allotting me this awesome privilege to share my journey, my ideas, and my thoughts with you all-I truly do not take this lightly.

We're going to be having so many conversations (that's what this entire space is created for-so leave comments, email me, Facebook me, whatever!) yeah, back to what I was saying! We're going to have so many conversations about different things that occur throughout this journey, different topics like sex, courting vs. dating vs. relationships, mental and emotional health, how to get over that annoying ex that you just keep crying over (I've been there, too!), how to truly seek God's face, what it means to be a single wife and so many other things.

Today, I wanted to go into detail a little bit about what being a "rib" means to me on my personal #RibLife Journey and give you all my Top 10 Steps to Pursuing YOUR #RibLife Journey.

So, what does being a "rib" mean to me?

            To me, being a rib means truly being what God had intended for us, WOMBman, to be-the man's helpmate. Not a doormat, not a slave, servant or any other servitude role. It means being that man's equal. Being a rib also means being that man's weakness and in the same right, being that man's protection. If you look at the biology of the rib cage, the rib cage protects the organ of the heart. Without that rib cage, that heart is out in the open, only protected by flesh. Us, WOMBmen, have the responsibility of protecting the second most precious aspect of our male counterparts. In that right, we must learn how to love and care for them. Men are NOT ALL created equal, ladies! You can't expect the same out of all of them, so stop saying they are! I'll go more in depth on our rib responsibilities relating to men in my later posts, but you can get a head start by reading Proverbs 31:10-31 and Genesis 2:18-25!

          Outside of our responsibilities relating to men, our FIRST obligation is to God and then ourselves. God is the central focus of this journey-becoming a better WOMBman, according to the plan that God has for each of us. There will be times when we have our own agendas and our own plans for our lives. A true rib, however, understands God's timing and also understands that despite the plans that we have for ourselves, God knows what's best and His plans are far better than our own. A true rib understands that God's plan and His purpose for our lives will always prevail no matter what (Proverbs 19:21). One of the goals of this journey is to continuously edify self in alignment with what the will of God is for our lives; BEFORE Adam comes (you gotta work on you first, boo!).

So, here are 10 pretty fundamental steps for working on YOU and starting YOUR #RibLife journey:

1. Consent with God about beginning this journey - make sure that beginning this journey is what God has TRULY called for you to do. "It ain't for everybody?"

2. Ask for repentance DAILY - that means constantly going before God asking for forgiveness. You will fall short in this journey, especially when you first start out. Having a constant and open line of communication between you and God will definitely come in handy!

3. Get into the habit of having an active prayer & devotional life - trust me, it'll keep you in perfect peace! You also want to study and understand why you are on this journey and why you believe that God will perform this work in you. Being in your word will not only reveal this, but reveal God's unconditional and unwavering love for you, no matter what you've done. Studying your word will also keep you from falling back into the same habits you once used to practice.

4. Get a journal - now this step is optional, but I do recommend it. Keeping a journal has helped me to set goals for myself, in addition to tracking my progress in my journey and witnessing God answering my prayers that I write in my journal.

5. Join a sister circle or women's ministry where you see yourself growing and accountable - this is so important! You need to be able to grow in this journey; if you're not growing, you're not evolving nor benefitting yourself. Surround yourself with women that are on a similar journey that you can seek Godly advice from that will assist you along the way.

6. Evaluate your habits - understand that a part of this process is edifying self and mortifying your flesh. Some things you used to do, you can't do anymore. After you have invited the Holy Spirit into your space to reside there, as you grow, the Holy Spirit will check you and guide you. When it warns you or convicts you (it'll sometimes feel like an uncomfortable eerie or gut feeling), listen and take heed to its direction.

7. Check your friends - everybody can't go where God has destined for you to go. Be UNAPOLOGETIC about that. You cannot carry everyone on your back in this journey. You must help you first. Your relationships should be growing, in addition to helping you grow. Pray about this and ask God to reveal to you who it is that you need to get rid of and ask Him to bless you with friends that He sees fit for you.

8. Be REAListic with your process and your progress - Sis, keep it a stack with yourself! You know what you're capable of doing and what you're not. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Everything will work out in God's timing. Seek Him and ask Him what He sees fit for you to do, ask for His guidance doing it, and be FEARLESS. Don't run off and try to start a whole new ministry when He's only called you to serve in the one you're already in.

9. Be confident in your journey & where you are - you CAN do this! Believe in yourself and the WOMBman that God has called you to be.

10. Enjoy YOUR journey - this is YOUR journey; no one else's! Be YOU! Your journey will not look like mine or the next rib. Be in your journey. Have fun in your journey and be kind to yourself!

You've got this, sis!

I'm praying for you & love you dearly,
xo, Nic

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